
The making of Tyra II: Come the behind the scenes

Watch our newest Tyra video where our TotalEnergies and Heerema colleagues give you interesting insights into the build-up of Tyra II - Denmark’s new high-tech hub for natural gas production.

2022 was a momentous year for the Tyra Redevelopment. One of our key highlights was the completion of Tyra II’s new shape. Together with our valued partner Heerema Marine Contractors we lifted the last of eight platforms – the 17,000 tons process module – into its final position. This crucial and record-breaking milestone marked the end of a long and successful collaboration between both parties. 

As the big hook-up and commissioning scope continues offshore and all hands are on getting Tyra II ready for first gas, we take a moment to look back at various successful installation campaigns in the North Sea.

In this video, we have asked some of our team members from Heerema and TotalEnergies to reflect about the journey, highlights, challenges, and proudest moments in the build-up of Tyra II. 

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